Centre d’arts visuels de l’Alberta.

Mike Holden is very proud to have his show ‘A Warriors Path’ to be exhibited at the Centre d’arts visuels de l’Alberta (CAVA) October 20th – Friday, November 9th, 2018.

Be sure to swing by!

Centre d’arts visuels de l’Alberta

 9103 95 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6C 1Z4



CBC ‘Young Indigenous artists paint their stories on big paper heads’.


Mike Holden taking on Mentor-ship role, helping and guiding the youth in making their creations along side Francophone Artist Virginie Rainville.

CBC story here:




Youth’s creations from left to right.

Mahihkan (Cree for Wolf)

Wapos (Cree for Rabbit)


Piyisiw (Cree for Thunderbird)


Something Wonderful – Art Show