Ace of Spades

Acrylic on Canvas

14″ x 20″

Wahkohtowin Part ll

Acrylic on Canvas

36” x 36”

The Future Looks Bright

Acrylic on Canvas

48″ x 24″

Stories Have Always Been Our Governance

Acrylic on Canvas

14″ x 20″

Every Child Matters

Acrylic on Canvas

11″ x 16″

Wahkohtowin (Cree for “We Are All Related”)

New York Spirit

Acrylic on Canvas
39” x 48”
With approximately 90,000 Native Americans living in NYC, it is home to the largest urban Indigenous population in the US. Seated on Lenape territory, built with significant labor contributions from Mohawk ironworkers, and inhabited by peoples from countless nations across Turtle Island, NYC is a mecca of Indigenous diversity. NYC is also known as the home of immigrants and their descendants, many of whom fled the oppressive effects of colonization in their own homelands. The common dream that all New Yorkers share is for a better future for their generations. The protection of water and land, and resistance to capitalistic exploitation, are becoming increasingly vital to that dream. Due to its cultural diversity, NYC is home to the United Nations, where the world has come together to create the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.


Acrylic on Canvas

24″ x 18″

The Sandhill Crane, The Bear & The flying Otter family

Acrylic on Canvas

24″ x 18″

Sacred Fire Keeper

Acrylic on Canvas

24″ x 18″