The Eagle has come

Acrylic on Canvas

In a world of skyscrapers and concrete, our spirits get lost in these cold streets. In the times when we most feel lost, we must remember the teachings of the eagle, to persevere, to fly higher.
Never forget we are children of the Earth and our mother protects

Maskwa Woman Part ll

Acrylic on Canvas

32″ x 40″

The Iron Nation Confederacy

Acrylic on Canvas

The Blackfoot Confederacy

Acrylic on Canvas

Grandfather Buffalo

Acrylic on Canvas

Grandmother Buffalo



Summertime Buffalo

 Acrylic on Canvas

10″ x 6″


Impossible Odds

18′ x 24″ Acrylic on Canvas

Impossible Odds Part ll

Acrylic on Canvas


Acrylic on Canvas